big pharma | The Hoof And Trunk Post Unfair and Imbalanced Wed, 07 Sep 2016 20:32:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Popularity Of Dentists Increase As Donald Trump Becomes More Popular To Hate Sun, 21 Aug 2016 20:25:15 +0000 In a nationwide survey of Americans, we gave a list of different people, professions and celebrities to choose who you hated the most. You answered and the response was staggering, shocking and actually not really all that shocking. In a landslide, Martin Shkreli’s douche face was the most hated, obviously, but right underneath him were Donald […]

The post Popularity Of Dentists Increase As Donald Trump Becomes More Popular To Hate first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

Look how cool that dentist is, with all those comic book characters on her and shades for the kid? So cool. COOL.
Look how cool that dentist is, with all those comic book characters on her and shades for the kid? So cool. COOL.

In a nationwide survey of Americans, we gave a list of different people, professions and celebrities to choose who you hated the most. You answered and the response was staggering, shocking and actually not really all that shocking.

In a landslide, Martin Shkreli’s douche face was the most hated, obviously, but right underneath him were Donald Trump, UPS Drivers, people who talk to you with one headphone in their ear (so you wind up having to repeat yourself a few times until they finally take the other one out too),  and store owners that close their stores on Sunday. For the past 25 years, dentists were always in the top 5, but Donald Trump’s name so high on this list bumped them down to 18th.

Hillary Clinton was not exempt from this list, but she was 27th on the list. Not bad for someone that just about everyone even voting for her isn’t too crazy about. The lesser of two evils is still apparently a way more popular place to be.

Here is the Top 10 out of 497 entries on the list:

  1. Martin Shkreli
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Ups Drivers
  4. People who talk to you with one headphone in their ear (so you wind up having to repeat yourself a few times until they finally take the other one out too)
  5. Store owners that close their stores on Sunday
  6. The Kardashians
  7. The kid who played Joffrey on Game of Thrones (even though we know he’s probably not evil in real life)
  8. Bill Cosby
  9. Ann Coulter
  10. People who play music on their cellphone speaker on the bus instead of using headphones like civilized human beings

The post Popularity Of Dentists Increase As Donald Trump Becomes More Popular To Hate first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

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