daily news | The Hoof And Trunk Post https://hoofandtrunkpost.com Unfair and Imbalanced Tue, 01 Nov 2016 16:53:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped-hoofandtrunkfb2-32x32.png daily news | The Hoof And Trunk Post https://hoofandtrunkpost.com 32 32 Your Preferred Candidate Is Leading In The Polls Of Your Favorite News Source https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/your-preferred-candidate-is-leading-in-the-polls-of-your-favorite-news-source/ https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/your-preferred-candidate-is-leading-in-the-polls-of-your-favorite-news-source/#respond Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:14:18 +0000 http://www.hoofandtrunk.com/?p=339 The figures have just come in and depending on your political leaning, your candidate seems to be winning. This information is a big change over the last election, where your candidate didn’t seem to be winning, but was a sure bet. It seems that even though your candidate may have lost last time, you’re pretty […]

The post Your Preferred Candidate Is Leading In The Polls Of Your Favorite News Source first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

Filling out questionnaires has never been easier when they are basically telling you what to answer.
Filling out questionnaires has never been easier when they are basically telling you what to answer.

The figures have just come in and depending on your political leaning, your candidate seems to be winning. This information is a big change over the last election, where your candidate didn’t seem to be winning, but was a sure bet. It seems that even though your candidate may have lost last time, you’re pretty sure your candidate will win. This is simply because you’re still beholden to the same biased news site for all of your media intake.

Yes, you love your candidate, and so does your choice of politically biased news programming. You’ve never really tuned into it to get more information, or learn a damn thing about your opposing party or candidate that might make you like them, you just want to be affirmed of your thoughts and feelings.

You feel justified when they tell you things you already feel to be true. You love you and you don’t ever want being yourself to be challenged and that’s totally fine. If you don’t love you, no one else will… and no one else probably does. Does your politics make you who you are? Probably. Should they? No. Your politics should be determined by who you are, not the other way around.

Statistics, facts, the truth: those are all malleable things to you. Why would you need to listen to anything else but your valued, trusted and favorite news source that tells you all the things you already knew?

Just revel in the fact that your candidate is winning. But, please, don’t turn to that other website, channel or newspaper for information, because then you’ll find out that the other candidate is winning, too. That will just upset you more than you already are about this election.

The post Your Preferred Candidate Is Leading In The Polls Of Your Favorite News Source first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

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