ivanka | The Hoof And Trunk Post https://hoofandtrunkpost.com Unfair and Imbalanced Sun, 07 Jul 2019 15:21:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped-hoofandtrunkfb2-32x32.png ivanka | The Hoof And Trunk Post https://hoofandtrunkpost.com 32 32 Trump Twitter Tirade Takes Dark Turn https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/trump-twitter-tirade-takes-dark-turn/ https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/trump-twitter-tirade-takes-dark-turn/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2017 03:30:03 +0000 http://www.hoofandtrunk.com/?p=548 Donald Trump has seemingly had a Twitter problem from the moment he joined the social network, but things are spiraling out of control, darkly. We’re used to him commenting on TV, whether it’s what show is on that night, something said on the news he doesn’t agree with or critiquing someone who took his job. […]

The post Trump Twitter Tirade Takes Dark Turn first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

Trump really needs to leave Twitter.
Trump really needs to leave Twitter.

Donald Trump has seemingly had a Twitter problem from the moment he joined the social network, but things are spiraling out of control, darkly. We’re used to him commenting on TV, whether it’s what show is on that night, something said on the news he doesn’t agree with or critiquing someone who took his job. There are a ton of different reasons why he would take to Twitter to run his mouth, but none of them are ever really “good” reasons.

Well, Today’s ranting might be his worst and could possibly get him removed from the service.

It started innocently enough, with him talking about the Tony Awards and making his complaints, as usual.

Trump Tweets

And then a little bit more on edge, but still what we’ve come to expect from the big, orange goofball:
More Trump Tweets

And then it took a turn for the bizarre, dark and eventually sad. He is becoming unhinged and I’m terrified of what that might cause him to do next:
sad trump tweets
sad trumpSadder trump
horny trump
He needs help and he needs it soon. He’s unhinged and this country is much worse for the wear with these revealing thoughts of his in an obvious moment of weakness.

The post Trump Twitter Tirade Takes Dark Turn first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/trump-twitter-tirade-takes-dark-turn/feed/ 0 548
Researchers Question Trump’s Support of Professional Women, Besides Prostitutes https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/researchers-question-trumps-support-of-professional-women-besides-prostitutes/ https://hoofandtrunkpost.com/researchers-question-trumps-support-of-professional-women-besides-prostitutes/#respond Sat, 17 Sep 2016 13:00:36 +0000 http://www.hoofandtrunk.com/?p=166 In a conversation with Cosmopolitan, Ivanka Trump stated, “My father obviously has a track record of decades of employing women at every level of his company, and supporting women, and supporting them in their professional capacity, and enabling them to thrive outside of the office and within,” she continued. “To imply otherwise is an unfair […]

The post Researchers Question Trump’s Support of Professional Women, Besides Prostitutes first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

Oh, those lovely ladies of ill repute. The things they can do for a dollar, and the things they certainly won't do for just a dollar.
Oh, those lovely ladies of ill repute. The things they can do for a dollar and the things they certainly won’t do for just a dollar.

In a conversation with Cosmopolitan, Ivanka Trump stated, “My father obviously has a track record of decades of employing women at every level of his company, and supporting women, and supporting them in their professional capacity, and enabling them to thrive outside of the office and within,” she continued. “To imply otherwise is an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women.”

Fact checkers worked endlessly to see just how accurate this was and, surprisingly, it holds incredibly strong, but with one major caveat: these professional women were of the oldest profession. In staggering numbers, Donald Trump’s support of prostitutes has been constant, high paying and consistent.

They have maintained long, sustainable careers full of support from every level of at his companies, often times being able to satisfy multiple jobs in the same night, whether they be hand, blow or rim. The constant support has not only caused a large economic gap between men and women to be closed, but also has opened the gaps of many untested, unskilled immigrant workers.

While we have no confirmation that the employment of these women of ill repute are responsible for any of the divorces that Donald Trump has experienced, we are fairly certain that it isn’t out of the question. It is more likely, however, that him simply being himself would be enough to garner one ex-wife after the next.

It is possible, however, that he may have met any of the women he has been with through an employment selection and interview phase, testing the skills and capabilities of each female, professional worker. We do believe, however, that it is more likely that he was more than satisfied with his past and current wives. If anyone was going to distract him from his marital duties, it would probably only be whomever he was going to marry next, or possibly, his daughter. He is nothing if not a family man.

The post Researchers Question Trump’s Support of Professional Women, Besides Prostitutes first appeared on The Hoof And Trunk Post.

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