Tag clinton

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The Demented Orange Beast: A Halloween Poem

The Demented Orange Beast is set to descend upon us with rage, hate and venom.

The real-life terror that is this year’s Halloween story, is not for the faint of heart. The toughest part about something like this is describing him in rhyme, when nothing rhymes with orange. We shall try, anyway: ‘Twas the day…

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Americans Would Rather Vote For Negan

The potential first lady, Lucille, doing her thing on a Trump supporter zombie.

Well, no one saw that coming. After a very tense night of wondering who was next, American’s decided that they like Negan more than their current choices for president, especially Donald Trump. “I like that he speaks his mind. I…

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WikiLeaks Clinton Docs Less Likely To Release By November Than “Half-Life 3”

Some valves leak information. Others produce video games. The only ones delivering lately just leak water.

There are a few different ways to disappoint the internet. One of them is not having the latest nude shots of their favorite celebrities readily available. Another is to promise the delivery of something and then postpone it. Yet another…

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Clinton Server Bombshell: More Porn Than E-Mail

e all know the internet is for porn. DId you know that e-mail servers, cell phones and hands are all for porn, too? We all know the internet is for porn. DId you know that e-mail servers, cell phones and hands are all for porn, too?

The world has been waiting to see what the contents of Hillary Clinton’s deleted e-mails and data from her private server would yield and, finally, the FBI has delivered. Amidst all the political fluff, corporate lobbying and pictures of puppies…

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National Food Poisoning Epidemic Turns Out To Be Distaste Over Current Political Climate

If you think you feel sick now, wait till the debates start.

The CDC has released some information that many will find troubling and potentially disheartening. As many strains of sickness have seemed to affect millions, from coast to coast, the Zika virus and other cold/flu illnesses have been all over the…

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Hillary Clinton Releases Tax Returns, Reveals Ties To Potential Hate Groups and Terrorist Organizations

Hillary Clinton

To the surprise of many, mostly those who haven’t paying attention the last 39 years, Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns with some surprising information intact. While one would think that certain bits of information would remain concealed or…