Category Scandals

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House GOP Impeaches Cuban-American Alejandro Mayorkas Because “Cubans Are Just A Different Brand Of Mexican”

A Historical shift begins today, as the GOP-led House has voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He is now the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years, but once folks found out he was Cuban,…

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What Happens If We Lose Net Neutrality?

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Hello, We see you’re trying to read “What Happens If We Lose Net Neutrality?” on the website, . As you have not paid your full allotment for “SATIRE” for this month, please insert $5 into your computer. If you…

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Trump’s Secret Soviet Past Tied To Gorky Park

Another brick in the Russian wall

As we are all eagerly awaiting the results of the many secret probes happening in Washington DC, the anticipation on word about the definite collusion of Donald Trump’s campaign with Russian intelligence is highest on our priority list. We’ve been…

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Trump Twitter Tirade Takes Dark Turn

Trump really needs to leave Twitter.

Donald Trump has seemingly had a Twitter problem from the moment he joined the social network, but things are spiraling out of control, darkly. We’re used to him commenting on TV, whether it’s what show is on that night, something…

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Chris Christie’s Baggage Handler Nominated For FBI Director

Chris Christie just has too much baggage.

When it comes to choosing the next FBI Director, President Donald Trump has had to fight against his baser instincts and cronyism. While the choices are numerous, most folks were expecting for the POTUS (Piece of Trash Ugly Senior) to…