Tag fail

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CNN Now Offers Free, Incorrect Legal Advice

The giant globe outside the CNN offices, where dreams are made, dumb things are said and election coverage is annoying.

If you’ve been worried about clicking on those WikiLeaks links, reading up on your favorite or least favorite presidential candidate and maybe being manipulated by foreign hacktivists, well, you should worry, at least according to CNN. As part of its…

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Green Party’s Jill Stein Flew To Mount Doom Instead Of Columbus

One does not simply walk into Mordor, but you can fly there, round trip for pretty cheap.

While everyone is talking about the possibility of Hillary Clinton having some form of dementia, somehow, the fact that the Green Party’s Jill Stein wound up in a completely different city than her campaign rally stop was located, has escaped…

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Latinos For Trump Promises Taco Truck On Every Corner If Clinton Wins

A taco truck on every corner? Well, that just might get in record votes for Hillary Clinton.

Pro-tip: if you want to win an election, don’t make promises that favor your opposing candidate’s victory. Latinos For Trump co-founder, Marco Gutierrez went on record saying that Latinos and Hispanics have a dominating culture and that Trump is the…

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Mike Pence So Unloved And Unimportant That Royalty Free Photos Of Him Do Not Exist

Oh my goodness, look how cute those kittens are! Screw you, Mike Pence!

Sometimes you start your way towards one story and stumble upon something else. This is the earmark of good, old fashioned American journalism. The best and most hard nosed news boys and girls of the past have unearthed scandals, liberated…