Tag terrorism

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Dumpster Blown Up After Being Mistaken For Donald Trump

That's a lot of garbage in one place, and this time it isn't the RNC.

The Chelsea area of New York city was rocked by a large explosion last night, injuring nearly 30 people and putting thousands in a rush to find a safe way home. As streets were crowded, busses stalled and subways stopped,…

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French Xenophobes Respond To Courts: “If Burkinis Are In, Beware Of T.I.Ts Out Situations”

Last week we told you about the situation when “France Banned Burkinis In Case Terrorists Decided To Go On Holiday.” Well, good news came Yesterday when the highest French court suspended the ban and said that the people who did…

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Hillary Clinton Releases Tax Returns, Reveals Ties To Potential Hate Groups and Terrorist Organizations

Hillary Clinton

To the surprise of many, mostly those who haven’t paying attention the last 39 years, Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns with some surprising information intact. While one would think that certain bits of information would remain concealed or…