Category Religion

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Priest Blames Pride Parade Photos For Facebook Downtime

Social Media Icons
God just couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want us to have to see all this nekkidness, half--naked men with bulging biceps, dancing in the streets. Girls with their tops off with paint covering their nipples... what were they all thinking? Did they think that they could do all this stuff and there would be no consequences?

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Supreme Court Status Lowered To Inferior Court

Welcome to the now Inferior Court (formerly Superior)

In the light of the fact that the Supreme Court is allowing President Donald Trump’s latest travel ban on six Muslim-majority nations to go into effect, the grading of the court has declined, sharply into Inferior territory. With the initial…

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ISIS Claims Responsibility For Trump And Other Tragedies

Responsibility: it comes with great power.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or the Islamic State (IS), and by its Arabic language acronym Daesh, is apparently willing to take credit for just…

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Donald Trump Backs Off Of Most Campaign Promises After Being Briefed On Existence Of Aliens

The truth is out there and now Donald Trump knows it.

After meeting with Barack Obama, the joint chiefs of staff and the rest of the Washington D.C. think-tank, President Elect Donald Trump was briefed on all matters of national security. From nuclear codes and terrorists to time travelers and aliens,…

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U.S. Drone Strike Kills Afghan Civilians, But It’s Okay Because They’re Brown

If you see this above you, know that it's the last thing you're ever going to see.

The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has reported that the USA has killed 15 people and injured 13 in Afghanistan, of which the victims were civilians, including students, a teacher, and members of families, plus a couple of Islamic…

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Nation Remembers 15 Years Of Hating The Wrong People

This tiny American flag is all that is left of the instant patriotism that was gained 15 years ago.

Fifteen years ago, one of the most heinous, reviled and unforgettable acts of atrocity took place on September 11th. The soundtrack to Mariah Carey’s movie “Glitter” had hit the shelves. Then the unthinkable happened, as the World Trade Center in New…

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iPhone 7 Specs Cause Largest Strike In World History

The world's most talked about masturbatory aid.

The largest strike in the history of our human lives has taken place this week in India and you probably hadn’t heard about it. On September 2nd, 2016, a trade union coalition that represents over 180 million Indian workers striked…

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The Hoof And Trunk Post Is Back!

We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Thanks for sticking through with us, faithful readers. I had to fight off unwanted, internet miscreants, trying to shut down this shining beacon in a world of mistrusted journalism and false facts. Here we are, in 2016, and still people…

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We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Adam Taint thought he could mock us, but he could not. He thought he could belittle us, but he could not. We are Anonymouse and we now own The Hoof and Trunk Post. We have moved it to a new…

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French Xenophobes Respond To Courts: “If Burkinis Are In, Beware Of T.I.Ts Out Situations”

Last week we told you about the situation when “France Banned Burkinis In Case Terrorists Decided To Go On Holiday.” Well, good news came Yesterday when the highest French court suspended the ban and said that the people who did…