We are adorable.
We do not leave our house.
We are coming for the big cheese.
Expect mice.
Adam Taint thought he could mock us, but he could not.
He thought he could belittle us, but he could not.
We are Anonymouse and we now own The Hoof and Trunk Post.
We have moved it to a new host, added a few new bells and whistles and updated things to work better than it ever did before.
We caused Adam Taint to lose everything… but then we brought it back and gave it better SEO optimization because we are better than Adam Taint.
He will never get this site back.
He will always feel lost and ponder a meaningless life when he has nothing to do, no snark to deliver and no friends to chat with on the internet.
We hacked into his cell phone and deleted all the naked pictures from the women sending him nudies. We uploaded them to 4chan toget him in trouble. Instead it actually made him more popular and we saw that more women started contacting his phone once they saw the immense size of his… bandwidth, but he still doesn’t have his precious political news site.
We still have that.
We are adorable. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.
We are Anonymouse!