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House GOP Impeaches Cuban-American Alejandro Mayorkas Because “Cubans Are Just A Different Brand Of Mexican”

A Historical shift begins today, as the GOP-led House has voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He is now the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years, but once folks found out he was Cuban,…

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Priest Blames Pride Parade Photos For Facebook Downtime

Social Media Icons
God just couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want us to have to see all this nekkidness, half--naked men with bulging biceps, dancing in the streets. Girls with their tops off with paint covering their nipples... what were they all thinking? Did they think that they could do all this stuff and there would be no consequences?

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What Happens If We Lose Net Neutrality?

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Hello, We see you’re trying to read “What Happens If We Lose Net Neutrality?” on the website, . As you have not paid your full allotment for “SATIRE” for this month, please insert $5 into your computer. If you…

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Supreme Court Status Lowered To Inferior Court

Welcome to the now Inferior Court (formerly Superior)

In the light of the fact that the Supreme Court is allowing President Donald Trump’s latest travel ban on six Muslim-majority nations to go into effect, the grading of the court has declined, sharply into Inferior territory. With the initial…