Tag hillary clinton

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Democrats Vow To Make America Greater Again In 2020

Without skipping a beat, Democrats have set their sights on the next election. The loss to Donald Trump has left an aching, huge, bloody hole in the heart of America’s Thinking Core, but they have chosen to get right back…

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Hillary Clinton Issues Colbert Style Green Screen Challenge

You too can now enter the Hillary Clinton Green Screen Challenge!

Like Stephen Colbert before her, Hillary Clinton has called upon the internet to have fun with her campaign footage and just have wacky, zany fun with computer assisted imagery! You too can now place Hillary Clinton in front of any…

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Americans Would Rather Vote For Negan

The potential first lady, Lucille, doing her thing on a Trump supporter zombie.

Well, no one saw that coming. After a very tense night of wondering who was next, American’s decided that they like Negan more than their current choices for president, especially Donald Trump. “I like that he speaks his mind. I…

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T-Shirt Designers Sad About Nearing End Of Ridiculous Election

It's all about to be over. The ridiculous phrases and insane rhetoric were a T-Shirt designers dream.

“Basket of Deplorables” “Grab her by the pussy!” “She’s a nasty woman.” “We’re gonna build a wall!” “What’s Aleppo?” This was best of times for T-shirt designers while it was the worst of times for the rest of us, and…

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Government Asks George R.R. Martin To Rewrite Election So That Everyone Dies

The government wants a do-over, and one filled with lots of good deaths.

Just about everyone is tired, fed-up and done with this entire election cycle. It’s been called a joke, appalling, deplorable, embarrassing and a farce. Most people aren’t happy with the final choices of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the…

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Final Presidential Debate Moved To High Desert State Prison

Is it possible to do time and have a second term at the same time? I bet they feel the same.

In a shocking move, the powers that be have decided to move the final Presidential Debate of 2016 to the High Desert State Prison grounds. Formerly to be held at University of Nevada-Las Vegas, this showdown between Donald Trump and Hillary…