Category Election

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Walk of Fame Replaces Donald Trump’s Tribute With Brown Star

With Donald Trump's brown star available for all to see, shouldn't we be calling this the walk of shame?

After vandals have desecrated the Donald Trump star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, those that run the much celebrated cultural icon were stuck trying to figure out what to do next. Replacing the star with an identical one would…

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Only Six Newspapers Endorsed Trump But His Supporters Didn’t Notice Because They Don’t Read

If you're a Trump supporter, I can say anything about you that I want, because you aren't reading this.

A shocking revelation has come about during this election cycle, as only six of the nation’s newspapers have endorsed Donald Trump, or at least are willing to admit it. While even the most hardcore Republicans have stepped away from backing…

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Americans Would Rather Vote For Negan

The potential first lady, Lucille, doing her thing on a Trump supporter zombie.

Well, no one saw that coming. After a very tense night of wondering who was next, American’s decided that they like Negan more than their current choices for president, especially Donald Trump. “I like that he speaks his mind. I…

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DDOS Attack Temporarily Spares Millions From Political Arguments

This is code. This is not exactly what it looks like when someone hacks or sets up a cyber attack. This is just what you think it looks like in make believe.

Anonymouse strikes again, as millions of websites, services and networks were taken offline on 10 A systematic interruption of many huge, populated websites and social networks took internet trolls and victims by surprise. “I was about to post the dankest…

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2016 Continues To Go After The Wrong People

This guy is a jerk. The Grim Reaper needs to stop going after the good people and take out our trash, instead.

We keep on hearing it. 2016 is the worst year, ever. The year of the reaper is taking our best. According to Trump, Mexico doesn’t send their best, but apparently, the Grim Reaper keeps taking the best, from everywhere. We’ve…

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T-Shirt Designers Sad About Nearing End Of Ridiculous Election

It's all about to be over. The ridiculous phrases and insane rhetoric were a T-Shirt designers dream.

“Basket of Deplorables” “Grab her by the pussy!” “She’s a nasty woman.” “We’re gonna build a wall!” “What’s Aleppo?” This was best of times for T-shirt designers while it was the worst of times for the rest of us, and…

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Mike Pence Is A Replicant Android

Do Androids dream of 4 year term limits, the vice presidency and emotionless rhetoric?

Thanks to Mike Pence’s very robotic and emotionless response to a 12 year old girl asking about Donald Trump’s horrible words about women’s looks, we can now come to the conclusion that he would not pass the Voight-Kampff test. As…