Category Scandals

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Walk of Fame Replaces Donald Trump’s Tribute With Brown Star

With Donald Trump's brown star available for all to see, shouldn't we be calling this the walk of shame?

After vandals have desecrated the Donald Trump star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, those that run the much celebrated cultural icon were stuck trying to figure out what to do next. Replacing the star with an identical one would…

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T-Shirt Designers Sad About Nearing End Of Ridiculous Election

It's all about to be over. The ridiculous phrases and insane rhetoric were a T-Shirt designers dream.

“Basket of Deplorables” “Grab her by the pussy!” “She’s a nasty woman.” “We’re gonna build a wall!” “What’s Aleppo?” This was best of times for T-shirt designers while it was the worst of times for the rest of us, and…

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CNN Now Offers Free, Incorrect Legal Advice

The giant globe outside the CNN offices, where dreams are made, dumb things are said and election coverage is annoying.

If you’ve been worried about clicking on those WikiLeaks links, reading up on your favorite or least favorite presidential candidate and maybe being manipulated by foreign hacktivists, well, you should worry, at least according to CNN. As part of its…

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Final Presidential Debate Moved To High Desert State Prison

Is it possible to do time and have a second term at the same time? I bet they feel the same.

In a shocking move, the powers that be have decided to move the final Presidential Debate of 2016 to the High Desert State Prison grounds. Formerly to be held at University of Nevada-Las Vegas, this showdown between Donald Trump and Hillary…

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WikiLeaks Exposes Clinton’s Hottest Lie

At least these red, hot, chilli peppers won't start putting out garbage music after a few records.

Amidst all this election hullabaloo has been on scandal, leak, accusation and revelation after another. From murder conspiracies to sexual assault, this election has run the gamut on unsavory topics. Well, this one is savory. In fact, I’d dare say…

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This Article Is Not About Donald Trump

So, some other things are happening that you're paying attention to while the house is burning.

Ah, yes, the circus that is the Presidential Election of 2016. I’ve got some good news for you: we’re not really going to talk much about that today. Today we’re going to talk about much happier things, like how China…

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Saturday Funnies! – Grabbing Hands Grab All They Can

Well, we didn’t see that coming! Donald Trump a misogynist? Playing up the idea of unwanted sexual advances being hushed out by money and fame? These are things we’ve never imagined, never dreamed of and have never seen or heard…