Category World News

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Dumpster Blown Up After Being Mistaken For Donald Trump

That's a lot of garbage in one place, and this time it isn't the RNC.

The Chelsea area of New York city was rocked by a large explosion last night, injuring nearly 30 people and putting thousands in a rush to find a safe way home. As streets were crowded, busses stalled and subways stopped,…

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Sen. Ted Cruz Opposes ICANN In Order To Erase Zodiac Killer References

Who are these shady internet characters? Is it ICANN or the Zodiac Killers?

Senator Ted Cruz is doing something none of us expecting: he’s championing the ideas of a free and uncensored internet. He’s trying to keep the internet from falling under the full control of ICANN as the government wants to keep…

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USA To North Korea: “Our D*ck Is Bigger!”

Well, it couldn't get more clear than this. It's become a d*ck waving contest.

After North Korea showed off that it has been conducting nuclear weapons tests, the united states decided it was time to give a show of force by basically sending two large, flying penises over their waters, letting them know just…

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Nation Remembers 15 Years Of Hating The Wrong People

This tiny American flag is all that is left of the instant patriotism that was gained 15 years ago.

Fifteen years ago, one of the most heinous, reviled and unforgettable acts of atrocity took place on September 11th. The soundtrack to Mariah Carey’s movie “Glitter” had hit the shelves. Then the unthinkable happened, as the World Trade Center in New…

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iPhone 7 Specs Cause Largest Strike In World History

The world's most talked about masturbatory aid.

The largest strike in the history of our human lives has taken place this week in India and you probably hadn’t heard about it. On September 2nd, 2016, a trade union coalition that represents over 180 million Indian workers striked…

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The Hoof And Trunk Post Is Back!

We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Thanks for sticking through with us, faithful readers. I had to fight off unwanted, internet miscreants, trying to shut down this shining beacon in a world of mistrusted journalism and false facts. Here we are, in 2016, and still people…

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We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Adam Taint thought he could mock us, but he could not. He thought he could belittle us, but he could not. We are Anonymouse and we now own The Hoof and Trunk Post. We have moved it to a new…

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Latinos For Trump Promises Taco Truck On Every Corner If Clinton Wins

A taco truck on every corner? Well, that just might get in record votes for Hillary Clinton.

Pro-tip: if you want to win an election, don’t make promises that favor your opposing candidate’s victory. Latinos For Trump co-founder, Marco Gutierrez went on record saying that Latinos and Hispanics have a dominating culture and that Trump is the…