Category World News

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DDOS Attack Temporarily Spares Millions From Political Arguments

This is code. This is not exactly what it looks like when someone hacks or sets up a cyber attack. This is just what you think it looks like in make believe.

Anonymouse strikes again, as millions of websites, services and networks were taken offline on 10 A systematic interruption of many huge, populated websites and social networks took internet trolls and victims by surprise. “I was about to post the dankest…

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2016 Continues To Go After The Wrong People

This guy is a jerk. The Grim Reaper needs to stop going after the good people and take out our trash, instead.

We keep on hearing it. 2016 is the worst year, ever. The year of the reaper is taking our best. According to Trump, Mexico doesn’t send their best, but apparently, the Grim Reaper keeps taking the best, from everywhere. We’ve…

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CNN Now Offers Free, Incorrect Legal Advice

The giant globe outside the CNN offices, where dreams are made, dumb things are said and election coverage is annoying.

If you’ve been worried about clicking on those WikiLeaks links, reading up on your favorite or least favorite presidential candidate and maybe being manipulated by foreign hacktivists, well, you should worry, at least according to CNN. As part of its…

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This Article Is Not About Donald Trump

So, some other things are happening that you're paying attention to while the house is burning.

Ah, yes, the circus that is the Presidential Election of 2016. I’ve got some good news for you: we’re not really going to talk much about that today. Today we’re going to talk about much happier things, like how China…

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USA And Russia Prepare For Cold War 2: Electric Booglaoo

Boy, do we humans love a parade. Nothing gets us motivated and going like watching people walk as large groups. Holy crap, is that stupid when you really think about it.

They say a sequel can never be as good as the original, but there have been a few exceptions like Terminator 2, Aliens and of course World War 2. Well, the United States and Russia are preparing for a joint…

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WikiLeaks Clinton Docs Less Likely To Release By November Than “Half-Life 3”

Some valves leak information. Others produce video games. The only ones delivering lately just leak water.

There are a few different ways to disappoint the internet. One of them is not having the latest nude shots of their favorite celebrities readily available. Another is to promise the delivery of something and then postpone it. Yet another…

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U.S. Drone Strike Kills Afghan Civilians, But It’s Okay Because They’re Brown

If you see this above you, know that it's the last thing you're ever going to see.

The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has reported that the USA has killed 15 people and injured 13 in Afghanistan, of which the victims were civilians, including students, a teacher, and members of families, plus a couple of Islamic…

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Saturday Funnies! – What’s Aleppo?

Welcome to our new series of Saturday Funnies! It’s our own brand of new, light-hearted, rib-tickling comics. We’ll lighten the mood, get you slapping your knees and just all around feel great now, every Saturday with our series of new…

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Putin Resurrects KGB To Bring Home Yakov Smirnoff

The Russian Honor Guard guards the honor of Russians so no one else can have any.

We thought we heard the last of Russia’s most feared and dangerous asset, but we were wrong. Yakov Smirnoff is about to make headlines again. Oh, and Vladimir Putin also brought back the KGB. No biggie. In a surprising move that…

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The First 2016 Presidential Debate Was Terrifying

I don't think we even need to describe this photo.

If there is anything that has become more clear with the first presidential debate of 2016, it’s that Lester Holt has no upper lip. Thank goodness for closed captioning or else those with hearing difficulty would have no idea what the…