Tag donald trump

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Latinos For Trump Promises Taco Truck On Every Corner If Clinton Wins

A taco truck on every corner? Well, that just might get in record votes for Hillary Clinton.

Pro-tip: if you want to win an election, don’t make promises that favor your opposing candidate’s victory. Latinos For Trump co-founder, Marco Gutierrez went on record saying that Latinos and Hispanics have a dominating culture and that Trump is the…

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Popularity Of Dentists Increase As Donald Trump Becomes More Popular To Hate

Look how cool that dentist is, with all those comic book characters on her and shades for the kid? So cool. COOL.

In a nationwide survey of Americans, we gave a list of different people, professions and celebrities to choose who you hated the most. You answered and the response was staggering, shocking and actually not really all that shocking. In a…

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God Declares Self As Swing Voter: “I Have Not Chosen Either Of Them, No Matter What They Say!”

On the campaign trail, before any voting is done, many presidential candidates will, at some point, claim that they are God’s choice as the next President of the United States. From George W. Bush to Rick Perry and many others…

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Mike Pence So Unloved And Unimportant That Royalty Free Photos Of Him Do Not Exist

Oh my goodness, look how cute those kittens are! Screw you, Mike Pence!

Sometimes you start your way towards one story and stumble upon something else. This is the earmark of good, old fashioned American journalism. The best and most hard nosed news boys and girls of the past have unearthed scandals, liberated…

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Trump To Stop Watching Olympics Due To Injuries: “They were too exciting!”

Donald Trump With Marine Corps Foundation Commandants

Presidential Republican nominee, Donald Trump, has reportedly had to cease watching the rest of the Olympic games. Due to the graphic nature of the recent injuries at the games, he is entirely too excited to continue viewing them. As French…