Month August 2016

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Hot Dog Sales Plummet As USA Tires Of NY Post Weiner Puns

Does this picture remind you of something? Maybe your years in college?

As the level of respectful journalism continues it’s steady decline, while young, new faces like Tomi Lahren get paid to rant on her subhuman opinions, or old, trusted journalists like Brian Williams tell fairy tales, it seems that sometimes the…

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Sports Are More Important Than Anything Else, Ever

Even though we love American Football, we still have to admit that so many of the fans are just awful.

In recent memory, there have been many atrocities committed by unsavory human beings on the soils of this great nation. Psychotic killers, shooting innocent civilians in Orlando, police brutalizing young men and women without real justification and people afraid to…

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French Xenophobes Respond To Courts: “If Burkinis Are In, Beware Of T.I.Ts Out Situations”

Last week we told you about the situation when “France Banned Burkinis In Case Terrorists Decided To Go On Holiday.” Well, good news came Yesterday when the highest French court suspended the ban and said that the people who did…

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Domino’s Perfects Attack Drones To Kill You, Still Sucks At Making Pizza

This drone is going to kill you.

Domino’s revealed their plan for world domination today, with a drone program that will most likely beat all major tech companies like Amazon and Google to the punch. They plan to start delivering pizzas via a drone launch that will…

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American Hackers Upset Over Record High Outsourcing Of Hacktivism

You know he intends to do the world harm with his fingers by how he isn’t showing them to you.

While the altruistic deeds of groups like Anonymouse, WikiLeaks and Lizard Squad still leave a lot to be desired, the mantra seems to be the same: screw authority, take down big money and help out the little guy. While most…

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Judge Reed O’Connor Begs For A Transgender Urine And Feces Bath

Who needs one of these when you can just pee and crap on a judge?

In a ruling that has shocked absolutely no one, Judge Reed O’Connor has implemented a temporary injunction that puts a halt to the directive implemented by President Obama on allowing transgendered students to use the bathroom of their choice. While…

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Anonymouse Attacks Federal Reserve Where It Doesn’t Really Hurt

We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Stay-at-home keyboard warriors, Anonymouse, declared war on the Federal Reserve today. While many folks expected to see something out of the Mr. Robot Season 1 story arch, instead we were treated to reports of “not much of anything.” A barrage…