Month August 2016

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Popularity Of Dentists Increase As Donald Trump Becomes More Popular To Hate

Look how cool that dentist is, with all those comic book characters on her and shades for the kid? So cool. COOL.

In a nationwide survey of Americans, we gave a list of different people, professions and celebrities to choose who you hated the most. You answered and the response was staggering, shocking and actually not really all that shocking. In a…

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Climate Change Debunked By Republican Senator: “I Don’t Feel That Hot”

This is the Earth. This is the Earth on drugs. Any questions?

While NASA believes that we may be experiencing the hottest year in recorded history, as their midyear climate analysis shows, Republican Senator Jim Inhofe has said that he can prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that climate change/global warming…

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NFL Rejects Proposal For “Georgia Crackers” Team As “Racially Insensitive”

This Georgia Crackers helmet will never hit the field, but man, we absolutely love it’s authenticity!

While Native Americans petition the NFL to change the name and imagery of the Washington Redskins, a new team was rejected by the NFL for Georgia. Hailing from Stone Mountain, Georgia, the Georgia Crackers would have been a great new addition…

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National Food Poisoning Epidemic Turns Out To Be Distaste Over Current Political Climate

If you think you feel sick now, wait till the debates start.

The CDC has released some information that many will find troubling and potentially disheartening. As many strains of sickness have seemed to affect millions, from coast to coast, the Zika virus and other cold/flu illnesses have been all over the…

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God Declares Self As Swing Voter: “I Have Not Chosen Either Of Them, No Matter What They Say!”

On the campaign trail, before any voting is done, many presidential candidates will, at some point, claim that they are God’s choice as the next President of the United States. From George W. Bush to Rick Perry and many others…

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Mike Pence So Unloved And Unimportant That Royalty Free Photos Of Him Do Not Exist

Oh my goodness, look how cute those kittens are! Screw you, Mike Pence!

Sometimes you start your way towards one story and stumble upon something else. This is the earmark of good, old fashioned American journalism. The best and most hard nosed news boys and girls of the past have unearthed scandals, liberated…

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Armed Voters To Be Allowed At All Polling Locations This Fall

Bring your sexy ass there to vote.

In a stunning decision, the US Government has decided to allowed armed voters at all polling locations in the forthcoming general election. This surprising announcement has made a shock wave through all manners of political discussion and is causing quite…

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Hillary Clinton Releases Tax Returns, Reveals Ties To Potential Hate Groups and Terrorist Organizations

Hillary Clinton

To the surprise of many, mostly those who haven’t paying attention the last 39 years, Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns with some surprising information intact. While one would think that certain bits of information would remain concealed or…