Category Science

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Clinton Server Bombshell: More Porn Than E-Mail

e all know the internet is for porn. DId you know that e-mail servers, cell phones and hands are all for porn, too? We all know the internet is for porn. DId you know that e-mail servers, cell phones and hands are all for porn, too?

The world has been waiting to see what the contents of Hillary Clinton’s deleted e-mails and data from her private server would yield and, finally, the FBI has delivered. Amidst all the political fluff, corporate lobbying and pictures of puppies…

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Twitter Is More Racist Than Your Crazy, Drunk Uncle

Nazis are the worst. We all love Indiana Jones, Captain American and Wonder Woman and they hate Nazis!

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Just don’t let them use Twitter, please. They might find the worst people, ever, to interact with. I’m not talking…

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Domino’s Perfects Attack Drones To Kill You, Still Sucks At Making Pizza

This drone is going to kill you.

Domino’s revealed their plan for world domination today, with a drone program that will most likely beat all major tech companies like Amazon and Google to the punch. They plan to start delivering pizzas via a drone launch that will…

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American Hackers Upset Over Record High Outsourcing Of Hacktivism

You know he intends to do the world harm with his fingers by how he isn’t showing them to you.

While the altruistic deeds of groups like Anonymouse, WikiLeaks and Lizard Squad still leave a lot to be desired, the mantra seems to be the same: screw authority, take down big money and help out the little guy. While most…

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Anonymouse Attacks Federal Reserve Where It Doesn’t Really Hurt

We are Anonymouse. We are adorable. We do not leave our house. We are coming for the big cheese. Expect mice.

Stay-at-home keyboard warriors, Anonymouse, declared war on the Federal Reserve today. While many folks expected to see something out of the Mr. Robot Season 1 story arch, instead we were treated to reports of “not much of anything.” A barrage…

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Climate Change Debunked By Republican Senator: “I Don’t Feel That Hot”

This is the Earth. This is the Earth on drugs. Any questions?

While NASA believes that we may be experiencing the hottest year in recorded history, as their midyear climate analysis shows, Republican Senator Jim Inhofe has said that he can prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that climate change/global warming…

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National Food Poisoning Epidemic Turns Out To Be Distaste Over Current Political Climate

If you think you feel sick now, wait till the debates start.

The CDC has released some information that many will find troubling and potentially disheartening. As many strains of sickness have seemed to affect millions, from coast to coast, the Zika virus and other cold/flu illnesses have been all over the…

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Mike Pence So Unloved And Unimportant That Royalty Free Photos Of Him Do Not Exist

Oh my goodness, look how cute those kittens are! Screw you, Mike Pence!

Sometimes you start your way towards one story and stumble upon something else. This is the earmark of good, old fashioned American journalism. The best and most hard nosed news boys and girls of the past have unearthed scandals, liberated…