Category Science

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Donald Trump To Lower Taxes By Letting Everyone Die

President Trump waves off the sick and poor, waiting for them to simply die off.

In an surprising move towards some legitimate transparency, The White House has released some information about the next changes to healthcare and regulations in the country which are designed to lower the tax burden on American citizens. Unfortunately, the way…

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First Contact From TRAPPIST-1 Aliens Beg Us To Stay Away

The first new life in space is smarter than we are.

NASA announced yesterday that they have discovered a new solar system that has 7 planets, of which at least 3 are more than likely capable of sustaining some form of life. As scientists, fans of science and skeptics all weighed…

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Hedorah The Smog Monster Confirmed To Head EPA

Hedorah The Smog Monster

The Senate confirmed Hedorah, The Smog Monster on Friday to run the Environmental Protection Agency, putting a seasoned opponent of nature, cleanliness and renewable resources at the helm of President Trump’s efforts to dismantle major regulations on climate change, decency, clean…

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US Senate Votes In Brick Of Cheese As Education Secretary

This is government cheese at its very worst.

After weeks of intense debate, speculation, anger, frustration and confusion, the United States Senate has finally voted on the acceptance of a thoughtless, cold, uncaring brick of cheese as our next Secretary of Education. Thought to be not much more…

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Donald Trump Backs Off Of Most Campaign Promises After Being Briefed On Existence Of Aliens

The truth is out there and now Donald Trump knows it.

After meeting with Barack Obama, the joint chiefs of staff and the rest of the Washington D.C. think-tank, President Elect Donald Trump was briefed on all matters of national security. From nuclear codes and terrorists to time travelers and aliens,…

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Hillary Clinton Issues Colbert Style Green Screen Challenge

You too can now enter the Hillary Clinton Green Screen Challenge!

Like Stephen Colbert before her, Hillary Clinton has called upon the internet to have fun with her campaign footage and just have wacky, zany fun with computer assisted imagery! You too can now place Hillary Clinton in front of any…

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DDOS Attack Temporarily Spares Millions From Political Arguments

This is code. This is not exactly what it looks like when someone hacks or sets up a cyber attack. This is just what you think it looks like in make believe.

Anonymouse strikes again, as millions of websites, services and networks were taken offline on 10 A systematic interruption of many huge, populated websites and social networks took internet trolls and victims by surprise. “I was about to post the dankest…

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Mike Pence Is A Replicant Android

Do Androids dream of 4 year term limits, the vice presidency and emotionless rhetoric?

Thanks to Mike Pence’s very robotic and emotionless response to a 12 year old girl asking about Donald Trump’s horrible words about women’s looks, we can now come to the conclusion that he would not pass the Voight-Kampff test. As…