Tag gop

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217 Republican Names Have Been Added To Black Market Organ Harvesting List

Republicans didn't realize they signed up for organ donation by voting against American healthcare.

In a stunning victory for black market organ dealers and 3rd world unlicensed surgeons, 217 American House Republicans unknowingly signed up to have their kidneys, livers and other internal organs harvested. As they fought to dismantled the Affordable Care Act,…

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House Republicans Afraid They Might Have To Start Working Again In 2017

Congress could start being a thing again, soon, if many seats change and people decide to show up.

The House Freedom Caucus are a bit afraid of any and all possible regime changes as we head towards next week’s election. As 34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats are up for reelection, the possibility that Congress will have…

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Walk of Fame Replaces Donald Trump’s Tribute With Brown Star

With Donald Trump's brown star available for all to see, shouldn't we be calling this the walk of shame?

After vandals have desecrated the Donald Trump star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, those that run the much celebrated cultural icon were stuck trying to figure out what to do next. Replacing the star with an identical one would…

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Only Six Newspapers Endorsed Trump But His Supporters Didn’t Notice Because They Don’t Read

If you're a Trump supporter, I can say anything about you that I want, because you aren't reading this.

A shocking revelation has come about during this election cycle, as only six of the nation’s newspapers have endorsed Donald Trump, or at least are willing to admit it. While even the most hardcore Republicans have stepped away from backing…

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Republican Party Feared Dead At 162 Years Old

It puts the Trunk in Hoof and Trunk. Wait, you just got that now? Finally? Jesus.

At the ripe, old age of 162 years, it is feared that the Republican Party has passed away in it’s sleep. After a post-depression identity crisis, the Republican Party looked to be having a momentary lapse of judgment, but it…

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Rats Fleeing Sinking Ship Offended By Comparison To GOP

Sink or swim? These rats are fleeing, fully clothed and on a boat, with dignity.

It really does take a lot to offend the sensibilities of a rat, but it has happened, and this time you can blame the media. Yes, the conspiracy theorists cries of “blame the media” are actually valid, as from one…