Category Civil Rights

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KKK Refuses To Stop Wearing White After Labor Day

Even back in 1922 the KKK still refused to adhere to social, fashion norms.

While The Ku Klux Klan has been behind the times in just about all manners of thinking, the white supremacists have stuck to their one fashion forward idea for the past hundred years or so: wearing white all year round.…

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Latinos For Trump Promises Taco Truck On Every Corner If Clinton Wins

A taco truck on every corner? Well, that just might get in record votes for Hillary Clinton.

Pro-tip: if you want to win an election, don’t make promises that favor your opposing candidate’s victory. Latinos For Trump co-founder, Marco Gutierrez went on record saying that Latinos and Hispanics have a dominating culture and that Trump is the…

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Twitter Is More Racist Than Your Crazy, Drunk Uncle

Nazis are the worst. We all love Indiana Jones, Captain American and Wonder Woman and they hate Nazis!

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Just don’t let them use Twitter, please. They might find the worst people, ever, to interact with. I’m not talking…

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Sports Are More Important Than Anything Else, Ever

Even though we love American Football, we still have to admit that so many of the fans are just awful.

In recent memory, there have been many atrocities committed by unsavory human beings on the soils of this great nation. Psychotic killers, shooting innocent civilians in Orlando, police brutalizing young men and women without real justification and people afraid to…

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French Xenophobes Respond To Courts: “If Burkinis Are In, Beware Of T.I.Ts Out Situations”

Last week we told you about the situation when “France Banned Burkinis In Case Terrorists Decided To Go On Holiday.” Well, good news came Yesterday when the highest French court suspended the ban and said that the people who did…

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Judge Reed O’Connor Begs For A Transgender Urine And Feces Bath

Who needs one of these when you can just pee and crap on a judge?

In a ruling that has shocked absolutely no one, Judge Reed O’Connor has implemented a temporary injunction that puts a halt to the directive implemented by President Obama on allowing transgendered students to use the bathroom of their choice. While…

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NFL Rejects Proposal For “Georgia Crackers” Team As “Racially Insensitive”

This Georgia Crackers helmet will never hit the field, but man, we absolutely love it’s authenticity!

While Native Americans petition the NFL to change the name and imagery of the Washington Redskins, a new team was rejected by the NFL for Georgia. Hailing from Stone Mountain, Georgia, the Georgia Crackers would have been a great new addition…

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Armed Voters To Be Allowed At All Polling Locations This Fall

Bring your sexy ass there to vote.

In a stunning decision, the US Government has decided to allowed armed voters at all polling locations in the forthcoming general election. This surprising announcement has made a shock wave through all manners of political discussion and is causing quite…