Category Election

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WikiLeaks Clinton Docs Less Likely To Release By November Than “Half-Life 3”

Some valves leak information. Others produce video games. The only ones delivering lately just leak water.

There are a few different ways to disappoint the internet. One of them is not having the latest nude shots of their favorite celebrities readily available. Another is to promise the delivery of something and then postpone it. Yet another…

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Binary Voting System Abolished As The Main 2 Parties Split Into 64,568

If it feels like you're seeing double or triple, it's because even the most diverse political landscape can be boiled down to 2 basic schools of thought.

With this upcoming Presidential election, people are feeling pretty upset about their limited choices for presidential candidates. As the two-party system has been developing less and less stable ideas for political representation over time, voters and political activists have taken…

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Saturday Funnies! – What’s Aleppo?

Welcome to our new series of Saturday Funnies! It’s our own brand of new, light-hearted, rib-tickling comics. We’ll lighten the mood, get you slapping your knees and just all around feel great now, every Saturday with our series of new…

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Libertarians Are Forgetting Who Gary Johnson Is

Just like most Libertarians, the porcupine they chose as their logo is prickly and generally prefers to stay alone.

As it holds true for their leadership, it is not surprising to find out that Libertarians, just like Gary Johnson, can’t remember fairly important things. First Gary Johnson didn’t know or remember what Aleppo is and now he can’t remember…

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Donald Trump To Be Most Expensive Jobber In WWE History

This election has us all in a submission move.

While Donald Trump has neglected to release his tax returns, our investigative unit has been leaving no stone unturned in order to procure some data to put together to really try to hash out the mess that is his finances.…

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The First 2016 Presidential Debate Was Terrifying

I don't think we even need to describe this photo.

If there is anything that has become more clear with the first presidential debate of 2016, it’s that Lester Holt has no upper lip. Thank goodness for closed captioning or else those with hearing difficulty would have no idea what the…

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Celebrities Comment On First Debate But We Ignore It

Washington DC - Where dreams of crushing other people's dreams come true.

As both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump rear up to take charge and move head on through the first presidential debate of this election, everyone who’s anyone is now making their opinions and voices both heard and known. Celebrities, from…

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Clinton Vs. Trump Compared To Crab Vs. Shoe & Other Dumb Battles

This is just one of many battles we would rather watch than the upcoming debate.

There have been many classic debates and battles over the course of human history. The first televised presidential debate, between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960, is still fresh in our memories over 50 years later. Fights like Ali Vs…